On the evening of 16.08.2024 20:54, after a long period of development and preparation, the time had finally come. QUBE was launched with SpaceX’s Falcon-9 on the Transporter 11 mission. On site in the test hall of the Zentrum für Telematiks e.V. surrounded by the test facilities previously used for the development of QUBE, invited guests, partners and colleagues followed the SpaceX livestream with excitement.
Guests, partners and colleagues are eagerly following the launch of the rocket in the livestream.
Despite the launch delays of the Falcon-9, all the guests watched with excitement as QUBE was successfully separated from the rocket around an hour later. Radio contact was established a short time later. QUBE had thus survived the most critical launch phase. The satellite is in excellent health and has already been stabilized. Over the next few months, the individual subsystems will be commissioned sequentially until the scientific experiment phase can finally begin. The LEOP activities are currently being carried out by the ZfT team.
First contact with QUBE in the operations control center.