Economics Minister Zeil congratulates on the 5th anniversary of ZfT
In 5 years, the Zentrum für Telematik (ZfT) has developed into a Franconian technology pearl", said the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Martin Zeil, at the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the Zentrum für Telematik.
The remote maintenance and remote diagnosis of machines in particular opens up cost-efficient possibilities for small and medium-sized companies to continue to service their exported devices on other continents from the headquarters. The Minister is following the cooperation with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft with goodwill and sees the ZfT in an excellent position in important I&C future technologies, which also play an important role in the ministry’s “Digital Bavaria” program. The non-university research institute ZfT has achieved a leading position in important telematics areas and has now grown to over 20 employees.
In the fully occupied Robotics Hall, Economics Minister Martin Zeil gave the keynote speech at the 5-year anniversary celebration of the Zentrum für Telematik. In the front row, following the speech (from left): Dr. Mapara, Prof. Dr. Sextl, Prof. Dr. Schilling, University President Prof. Dr. Forchl, Mdl Felbinger, MdL Halbleib, FH President Prof. Dr. Grebner.
Professor Schilling explains the robot remote maintenance methods developed at the Zentrum für Telematik to Minister Zeil and MdL Halbleib.
In front of the pico-satellite magnetic field test facility; from left: MdL Halblaib, Mdl Felbinger, Minister Zeil, Prof. Dr. Sextl, Prof. Dr. Schilling, MdL Klein._
Kitzinger Zeitung
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